Turn on/off Elgato Key Light via Windows shortcut/button

Search for the IP address of your Key Light via Wireless Network Watcher e.g.

Your Key Light has a build in web server listening on port 9123 e.g.

Send a GET request e.g. via Postman to the following endpoint to get more information about your Key Light:

Turn on the light by using the following PUT request. You need to set the ‚on‘ value to ‚1‘ instead of ‚0‘.

Turn on

    "numberOfLights": 1,
    "lights": [
            "on": 1,
            "brightness": 20,
            "temperature": 213

Turn off

    "numberOfLights": 1,
    "lights": [
            "on": 0,
            "brightness": 20,
            "temperature": 213

Save the JSONs within an external JSON file e.g. TurnOn.json and TurnOff.json

Create a PowerShell Script to execure the JSON files e.g. TurnOn.ps1

$Body = Get-Content "D:\Tools\Powershell\TurnOn.json"

$Parameters = @{
    Method = "PUT"
    Uri =  ""
    ContentType = "application/json"
    Body = $Body   

Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters

stop-process -Id $PID


$Body = Get-Content "D:\Tools\Powershell\TurnOff.json" 

$Parameters = @{
    Method = "PUT"
    Uri =  ""
    ContentType = "application/json"
    Body = $Body   

Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters

stop-process -Id $PID

Create a PowerShell shortcut to execute your PowerShell script

Content of the shortcut input field

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "D:\Tools\Powershell\TurnOn.ps1"

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